Take Back America 2008 kicks off in less than 18 days! Register today to secure your spot alongside the thousands of progressive leaders, thinkers and activists driving the fight in 2008 to take back Washington for the American people.Here’s just a partial list of this year’s speakers:
* Sen. Barack Obama (invited)
* Sen. Hillary Clinton (invited)
* Norman Lear
* Arianna Huffington
* Kathleen Turner
* Rep. Jan Schakowsky
* Van Jones
* Bill Moyers
* Jane Hamsher
* Eli Pariser
* David Bonior
* Digby
* David Sirota
* Barbara Ehrenreich
* Robert Greenwald
* Rich Trumka
* Christy Hardin Smith
* Naomi Klein
* Anna Burger
* Rev. Jesse Jackson
* Rick Perlstein
* Matt Stoller
* Gloria Totten
* Cenk UygurJoin these and the thousands of other progressives fighting to take our country back from the out-of-touch politicians and special interests who’ve had their way in Washington for too long. It all kicks off in less than 18 days!
Register today! Be part of the energy and the growing momentum that will make 2008 our year.
We look forward to seeing you in Washington.
For those that can't make it, I'll be liveblogging the whole thing. It'll be just like you were actually there! It'd be better if you were actually there, but you do what you have to...